Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Miracles DO happen!

...and then, out of blue, comes a phone call that would change my life.....again. Sometimes its difficult to figure out what makes people do what they do. We make decisions every day that affect our own lives and the lives of others. Sometimes they are monumental and sometimes they are just little decisions but no matter the size, they have an effect that can rock your world or send it tumbling down. Such decisions have been made in the past 6 months that have involved me and I have felt both the tumbling and now, joyfully, the rocking of my world! The point? The point is simply this. Life is short in the scheme of things. We go through life in our own little bubbles with little regard for the affects that our decisions or actions may have on the rest of the world around us. Have you ever thought at the end of a bad day..."gosh, I hope when I honked angrily at that car this morning (that turned out to have an elderly woman driving it), that I didn't scare her into a heart attack!"...or "did my decision to promote the worker who was the best man for the job, devastate the worker who was next in line for the promotion"? It has certainly made me acutely aware that my own personal and professional decisions may affect the lives of the people around me...may hurt them, devastate them, send them into depression or who knows what? I am acutely aware! Because such decisions that others have made, affected my life...hurt me, devastated me, depressed me....and made my world come crashing down. A simple, self serving decision that seems like the right thing to do, still needs much thought if we are to consider ourselves humane and loving toward our fellow man. We need to slow down in the rapid pace of these times and think. Really think about who might benefit and who might be annihalated by the decisions we make. We need to love each other so that we might be loved.

I am very blessed to have the gift of faith. And I have learned to look for the blessing that inevitably comes with every disaster. Nothing is impossible and miracles really do happen! For me, thankfully, my little miracle has arrived. I have been blessed with a friend who has reconsidered and made a wiser, more loving decision. And it has rocked my world! So I end my blog today with this wisdom: "I assure you, if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain 'move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Matthew 17:20,21

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

And the insanity continues....

Ok, so it's been a couple of weeks....already!!...since I posted my first entry on this blog. If I had the time, I could write a whole book about the circumstances of a most unusual job that I took as a personal assistant. Who could have guessed from the simple job posting description on Craigslist that I would find myself in the middle of an unbelievable situation with a woman who I believe is mildly insane! Although I do plan to post the outcome of the whole sorted story someday, it will not be today. But just to share a tiny bit of it, and boiling it down to simple, there is this lady I work for who fired her longest standing employee who, by the way, was quitting within 3 weeks of her termination. And now, she is trying to create a legal case against her that has turned into this monumentally ridiculous effort to prove thousands of little un-facts! She has had two of her best employees quit and is running the rest of us ragged. They will soon tire of her insanity and no one will be left. But even before all of this, the environment at its best, is bizarre! As often happens in my life, somehow I have become the person who will have to make it right...be the responsible one who is going to step forward and tell the truth. And THAT will be a most painful deed. But I know it's the right thing to do. I just hope that I figure out how to do it so that the innocent are protected, the guilty confess and the disturbed one can be helped.

But enough on that and on to happier thoughts:) Last week is thankfully over and this week has already proven to be a calmer and more productive one. I am learning a lot of new things at the "normal" job. And in just a week and a half, I have a command of the company's concept and am off and running to coordinate some fabulous collections of communities and venues that are needed for the company's growth! I learned how to work google maps and have mapped several of the areas on my own. Its a good day when you have learned something new! So here is something new for you to know. There is a community in central Florida...just south of Ocala...in which 80,000 people reside!! Can you believe it? One community with over 40,000 homes! It is a city in itself and completely self contained. There is a live feed from the Town Square and the Market Square within the community and you can watch what's happening anytime you want! Pretty high tech, huh? It's a little "Truman Show-ish" to me but seems like a really incredible place. Its something of a retirement community...you have to be 55 to live there. But it's a very active place with live concerts every single night of the year and hundreds of activities and shows. So now you know something new!

That's about all I have for today...I am still trying to catch up on sleep:) So before I go sink into bed and fall into slumber watching an episode of Will & Grace, I will leave you with this parting thought: There are a lot of stressful things that happen in life, especially in these hard economic times. But the good things and the beauty of the world around us not only overwhelmingly outnumber the bad and the ugly, the are free!